Urea solutions

Obtained by dissolving urea in desalinated water. The type of urea used differs depending on the intended use of the solution, and according to the customer’s needs. The solutions are produced in a wide range of concentrations.


Where are they used

Urea AdBlue® Quality solutions:
Mainly in the reduction of NOx present in the fumes of thermal power stations and waste-to-recovery plants. On request, a special descaling agent can be added to the solutions which reduces the deposit of solids in the equipment and preheating pipes of the thermal plants.
Types: 30, 32.5 and 45 percentage concentrations of urea.

Urea Low-NOx solutions:
Mainly used in the following sectors: reduction of NOx present in the fumes of thermal power stations and waste-to-recovery plants; in biological plants, as a nutritional agent; in agriculture.
Types: 20, 25, 30, 32.5, 33, 35, 40 and 45 percentage concentrations of urea.
On request, a special descaling agent can be added to the solutions at 40% and 45% which reduces the deposit of solids in the equipment and preheating pipes of thermal plants.


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